"The Love Of My Life"
This is my family. We look like the ideal American family, don't we. Well, we're not, but we're pretty darned close! As you can see we have slightly exceed the 2.1 children per family average, but who wants 1/10th of a child running around the house?!?! This is an average day at our house, and pretty much how you would find us if you dropped in on any given day (right!). We built our house a couple years ago, and we really love it. We found some plans, modified it to suit our family and lifestyle, then started building our dreams. It was quite a learning experience, we still use the builder's name as a byword in our house, but now that it's all done, I can definitely say it was worth it, though I wouldn't want to go through that again anytime soon. As you can tell, it became incumbent upon me to don the old tool belt and direct the construction myself, but it all worked out in the end. We have the builder's body hidden under 8 feet of concrete in the corner of the basement ;-). The link below will show you some of the progress.